Sunday, April 15, 2012

TJ's Meatballs


1 cup ground pork rinds (you can use bread crumbs instead, but TJ can't have them.)
1 egg yolk, beaten
2 cups ground beef
salt/pepper to taste

For the gravy:
1 can beef broth
4 mushrooms, sliced

Combine all pork rinds, egg yolk, beef and salt & pepper; form into small meatballs. Place in small baking dish.

For the gravy:
Simmer all ingredients together, being sure to add arrowroot to thicken to desired thickness.

Pour gravy over meatballs. Bake at 400 for 1 hour.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Simple Soup!

I must admit that I was quite daring when I made this baby, but TJ is on his 3rd bowl, so that must say something!

Here's what I used:
1 cup chopped turnips
About 1 stalk (is that what you call it?) of fresh thyme and fresh oregano
1 1/2 tbsp ghee
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 cup chopped escarole
4 cups chicken broth

Sautee turnips in ghee until tender. Add mushrooms; continue cooking until all are tender. Add in thyme & oregano. Cook 1 minute. Add chicken broth. When soup comes to a boil, add in escarole. Cook 5 minutes.

Serve alone or with cooked quinoa.

Of course you can add much more to this dish- like garlic & onions. We left it out because TJ is allergic to both. I felt that the soup was pretty strongly flavored w/o though. Enjoy!